Run in your best running gear

I am a self-trained runner. Everything about running came as a discovery to me and it took me a long time to understand the basics.

Running Gear:

When you are running, your body is going to respond in varied ways. If it is summers, you will sweat. Your body type might be one where you may sweat profusely or your body type may be such that you don’t. But, even if you are not going to sweat as much as I do, you would still feel the suffocation if you are wearing inappropriate running gear.

You would require different running gear for different seasons: Running in summers, winters, rains etc. Here are few basic guidelines that I would like t share with you:

  • Type of Clothing that you wear for running: When I started, I would wear cotton on my body. Cotton can be good when you don’t sweat. So, it will be good if you are walking or taking a stroll. But, if you are running then, I would recommend you to switch from Cotton made t-shirts to something that can take out sweat from your body and throw it out and you don’t feel a difference throughout the run.
  • Type of Shoes: Shoes are as important as your clothing. In fact, shoes would play a bigger role in your running. Good quality shoes that are specially made for running are recommended. Most of us are wearing the wrong type of shoes while running and we suffer from joint pains, shin splints, and ankle injuries just because we have chosen the wrong type of shoes.
About sanju 206 Articles
a runner, a fitness enthusiast

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